About us

We make the best
for all our children.

What is St Ignatius Orthodox Academy and Child Rescue mission Centre all about

Welcome to St Ignatius Orthodox Academy and Child Rescue Mission Center, an initiative of Fr Samuel Macharia  (Ignatious) the Parish priest of St Stephen Orthodox Church, in Ongata Rongai. He is also the director of Ongata Rongai Development Organization, which is a non-profit organization under the laws of Kenya. We are located in Kenya, Kajiado county at Ongata Rongai, 18 kilometers SouthWest of Nairobi city. Father Samuel Macharia, has been intending for long to help through any possible means in educating and assisting destitute children. Most of the beneficiaries are orphans, street children and those dwelling in slums and stricken by abject poverty. The primary focus was and still is basic needs and education. Where a child is fed, where a child plays; there the child learns and acquires character.


 Provision of care, support, enhancing holistic development and transforming the lives of destitute Children.


To have a community where Children live wholesome lives’.

Core Values

Accountability & transparency.

We are doing
all we can to support our
tomorrows' Generation.

The Child Care and Rescue Center was founded in August 2015 and thereafter followed by St. Ignatious Orthodox Academy .The founder, Father Samuel Macharia noticed that most of children in the Centre were not attaining good education from the schools they were sent. There rose the need for the Academy, which started in January 2022.

In 2015, the founder father Samuel Macharia noticed that a lot of the children would visit the church asking for assistance. As a result of not being able to have access to food on daily basis, he raised the concern with the local parish and community members, but their efforts were unsustainable due to the enormity of the problems and the lack of adequate funds. But he had to continue as he struggled with the little he personally gave and got from local well-wishers.

St. Ignatius Orthodox Academy and rescue center performs various activities which include providing food, clothes, shelter and education and this also includes school uniforms. Additionally, paying staff who include teachers, cooks, paying electricity, water and medical bills among others.

Failure to act on laying a good foundation for young ones spells doom for many generations to come in addition to defying God’s will that we assist the poor amongst us. Every day we put a smile on a child we believe that we are giving hope and a promising future. We hope to have your hand in accomplishing this noble and unavoidable duty.

Every child, no matter their background deserves a decent life and an enjoyable childhood. Through your once, monthly or annual donation we can provide this. Kindly walk with us as we journey towards this great endeavor. Your donation even of 5 dollars or five Euros means a lot here.

One of our church saints; St  Silouan the Athonite, asserts that ‘my brother is my life’ that whatever happens to our brother also happens to me, whether am the cause of it or not. By not helping needy children in our neighborhoods we directly and indirectly contribute towards poor living conditions amongst us. Our joy is pegged in the joy of our little ones.

Please join us and make our journey less strenuous. Many children are really and truly in need. Help us now, be with us and if possible visit us.

key outcomes

What makes us diferent?


We partner with high-impact local leaders and organizations to help rescue and equip children with these basic needs. St Ignatius Orthodox Academy and child Mission Centre rescues children from oppression and raises them to be adults of influence.


Quality Education

We aim to equip our children with the key knowledge whereas they will learn how to learn, retain information, think independently, ask questions and develop an increasing sense of competence.


We believe that children rescued from hunger, Oppression and inadequate basic needs are not a problem to be solved, but a solution waiting to be unleashed.


Father Samuel Macharia, (Ignatius)

“I love the kids we serve and when love is the motivation, there is no things that can’t be achieved.”


Meet our Director

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Be the change for one child:

Mirriam Njeri

Hello, my name is Mirriam, I am in Grade 2. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.

Mary Wangui


Hello, my name is Mary, I am  nine years old,  When I grow up, I want to be a Lawyer.

Charles Njoroge

Hello, my name is Njoroge,  I am ten years old . When I grow up, I want to be an engineer.